This profile is pure perfection. Notice the slightly upturned chin of A grade grade (projecting slightly further than the lip tips).

This profile is pure perfection. Notice the slightly upturned chin of A grade grade (projecting slightly further than the lip tips).
Morphing animation between original square jawed woman picture, and reduced jawed woman.This kind of animation emphasis the perfect growth of the jaw [Read More]
Kaila Wang is an asian model with the typical, beloved thick and square jaw.The jaw classification is B+,A,Flat, Big. ADD A COMMENT
Look at this broad, and perfectly symmetrical face. Eye sockets sit on large cheekbones and wide jaw. Thanks for member Bodhi Sam [Read More]
Unfortunately, I don’t have many pictures of this discreet model.Her jaw is of classification A,B+ ADD A COMMENT
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.