Look at this broad, and perfectly symmetrical face. Eye sockets sit on large cheekbones and wide jaw. Thanks for member Bodhi Sam for submitting this image.

The square jaw, although most prevalent in Asians, is seen in all races. Here are some beautiful black square jawed women. @ringlessgold [Read More]
I just stumbled on this Faberlic advert with a square jawed model.Nice A grade chin, B- gonial angle.I don’t know who the [Read More]
Fanny Ardant is an impressive french actress with a noble appearance. That’s a brunette in all its glory. Chin is A grade, [Read More]
Carla Gugino jaw structure is similar to Salma Hayek‘s.All in the chin, less in the gonial angle. She is an A grade [Read More]
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.