Kaila Wang is an asian model with the typical, beloved thick and square jaw.
The jaw classification is B+,A,Flat, Big.

Kaila Wang is an asian model with the typical, beloved thick and square jaw.
The jaw classification is B+,A,Flat, Big.
Alena Seredova has very healthy teeth system. Perfectly aligned. Wide dental arch. Wide face. She is a tall, beautiful square jawed woman [Read More]
Picture is not of top quality, but you can see how square jawed face is structured: with huge cheekbones projecting horizontally, and [Read More]
What is frequent with these square jawed women, is the harmonious developement of the entire face. Bone growth was balanced. Cheekbones, jaw, [Read More]
Persian square jawed beauty used to be a frequent visitor of this site’s ancestor: womenlargejaw.com. She is one of the most square [Read More]
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.