Last seen: Feb 13, 2025
The resemblance is shocking. But the aging can't match. What a mystery.
From what I read Natalia Castellar is around 22 years old. The above B&W pic is at least 15 years old. So it can't be her. Also, the ear lob looks...
Hello and welcome to the site! Katie Mcgrath. Not 100% sure.
Hi jawnkyjaws, Here are bits of answers to your post: - You are right about my schematic square woman face and under jaw plane. Ideally, the squ...
Indeed i'm not 100% sure on that model's ID. I asked in a model forum and was told it was Brooke... but they may have been wrong.
Hi Pere, None of those women are "secret transgender males". This is not something that can be hidden those days. Yes Carla Bruni has a strong fa...
@jawnkyjaws It's always interesting to learn about people's own appreciation of facial variation. Thanks for sharing it on this site.I bet a lot of ...
Hello and thank you for the pictures. How do you define the "round face" type that you like? Does it mean no clear gonial angles when viewed from th...
@jawnkyjaws Interesting. Will pay attention next time I stumble upon indian women pics.
I guess this was a reply to JKD's posts below as you and I share the same conclusion: genetics plays a major role.
This goal of this post was to prove that a square jaw by itself isn't a sign if masculinity, but rather a head pattern found in both men and women. It...